Bloating, excessive gas formation and constipation are very common during pregnancy. During pregnancy it is advised to eat less at one time but  eat more often. You can cut down on gas and constipation by drinking warm liquids in the morning, developing a regular bathroom schedule, drinking more fluids, and eating more fruits and vegetables.


It is important to avoid gas-producing foods.


  • Some people are also affected by wheat products and high-lactose dairy produce.
  • Some artificial sweeteners, can also cause gas because these sweeteners contain a sugar that is difficult to digest.
  • You may also feel bloated after a rich, fatty meal. These foods take longer to digest, so it takes longer for your stomach to empty   


Try these tips to cut excess gas and bloating:


  • Eat several small meals throughout the day, instead of two or three large meals.
  • Take your time eating and chewing and not swallowing. This helps your body to digest your food.
  • Focus on chewing slowly, with your mouth closed, and try not to talk and eat at the same time.
  • Sit up while you’re eating or drinking, even if it’s just a small snack, so that your stomach isn’t squashed while you digest your food.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating. Walk for 20 minutes after each meal.
  • Take your last meal at least 2 hours before you go to bed.
  • Limit your intake of carbonated drinks and deep-fried foods that are usually triggers for excess gas. It’s unlikely these foods are offering a lot of nutritional benefits anyway. Sorry onion rings, see you in nine months.
  • Exercising regularly is the key. A brisk walk can kick-start a sluggish digestive tract.
  • If you’re prone to gas and bloating because you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), practising yoga may help.
  • Yoga is a great way to stay fit and well in pregnancy.
  • Peppermint or ginger teas can help soothe cramps and bloating and can help with pregnancy nausea, too.
  • Avoid clothes with tight waistbands, which can irritate your abdomen and increase the feeling of discomfort.

For more detailed information book your appointment with Dr Jyoti Bhaskar today.


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